Summerstorm Afghanhounds

Welcome to Summerstorm Afghanhounds homepage.

We are located in Trelleborg, a city in the south part of Sweden.

We breed healthy, happy, outgoing and sound dogs for shows,
lurecoursing and pets.

I have been in the afghanworld since 1970.

My kennel was registred in 1990.

Up until today I have had 6 litters, so as you see I don't breed just because
of the breeding. I breed for the pleasure of having puppies after sound
healthy and happy parents. As close to the standard that is possible.
The perfect afghan is not yet born :)

So again Welcome and enjoy your stay.

Please email me if you have any questions regarding my dogs or this lovely breed

[email protected]


Mia Mjärling
Orkidévägen 86
S-231 31  Trelleborg